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Economy & Business
Certain Global Electronics Development Trends. Russian Industry Outlook The article considers analysis of the global electronics development principle directions on the basis of International Roadmaps composed by world organizations that provide data support for electronic producers
Certain Global Electronics Development Trends. Russian Industry Outlook The article considers analysis of the global electronics development principle directions on the basis of International Roadmaps composed by world organizations that provide data support for electronic producers
Tags: 3d modules packaging methods pip pop корпус в корпусе корпус на корпусе методы корпусирования трехмерные модули
Experts Opinoin
SimOne General circuit simulation. High Speed, High Precision Electronic circuits simulation is an essential part of electronic systems development process. SPICE algorithms that are commonly used for electronic circuits design are precise but their speed is low when designing large dimension circuits. Company Eremeks program SimOne permits electronic circuits simulation both with classic SPICE algorithms and original programming technologies and up-to-date numerical methods that severely increase computation speed while maintaining simulation high precision.
SimOne General circuit simulation. High Speed, High Precision Electronic circuits simulation is an essential part of electronic systems development process. SPICE algorithms that are commonly used for electronic circuits design are precise but their speed is low when designing large dimension circuits. Company Eremeks program SimOne permits electronic circuits simulation both with classic SPICE algorithms and original programming technologies and up-to-date numerical methods that severely increase computation speed while maintaining simulation high precision.
Electronic Components
ICs for LI-ION Batteries Charging. How to Make the Correct Choice? To select the best suited IC for charging Li-Ion Battery it’s necessary to take into account and analyze several factors, for example realized product dimensions, USB compatibility and cost of production. This article tells how to make the optimal choice.
ICs for LI-ION Batteries Charging. How to Make the Correct Choice? To select the best suited IC for charging Li-Ion Battery it’s necessary to take into account and analyze several factors, for example realized product dimensions, USB compatibility and cost of production. This article tells how to make the optimal choice.
M.Sheykin, A.Samojlov
Tyco Electronics’ Industrial Type USB Connectors. Solutions for Rigorous Service Industry type applications quite often make requests for connections enhanced stability, mechanical strength and immunity. USB connectors are not exclusion. World leader producer of various connectors TE Connectivity (Tyco Electronics) delivers USB connectors for standard applications, as well as for rigorous service: with enhanced IP20 class mechanical strength and immunity with class IP65-67bayonet connection.
Tyco Electronics’ Industrial Type USB Connectors. Solutions for Rigorous Service Industry type applications quite often make requests for connections enhanced stability, mechanical strength and immunity. USB connectors are not exclusion. World leader producer of various connectors TE Connectivity (Tyco Electronics) delivers USB connectors for standard applications, as well as for rigorous service: with enhanced IP20 class mechanical strength and immunity with class IP65-67bayonet connection.
Test & Measurements
Frequency Synthesizers PLL Systems. Decreasing Noise and Ghost Signals Methods Phase locked loop (PLL) systems are widely used in many applications particularly in frequency synthesizers. Multicounter PLLs may considerably reduce phase noise level at small and high carrier detuning al well as parasitic components level. With correct circuit design and simulation methods PLL systems can provide characteristics necessary for applications with high requirements.
Frequency Synthesizers PLL Systems. Decreasing Noise and Ghost Signals Methods Phase locked loop (PLL) systems are widely used in many applications particularly in frequency synthesizers. Multicounter PLLs may considerably reduce phase noise level at small and high carrier detuning al well as parasitic components level. With correct circuit design and simulation methods PLL systems can provide characteristics necessary for applications with high requirements.
Testing Medicine Systems. LeCroy’s Solutions Up-to-date medicine systems such as innards visual diagnostic systems (for example magnetic resonance imaging system), monitoring ECG systems and many more become more and more complex. To develop and test medicine systems precise and multifunction devices are necessary. Such equipment offers LeCroy.
Testing Medicine Systems. LeCroy’s Solutions Up-to-date medicine systems such as innards visual diagnostic systems (for example magnetic resonance imaging system), monitoring ECG systems and many more become more and more complex. To develop and test medicine systems precise and multifunction devices are necessary. Such equipment offers LeCroy.
Tags: arbitrary waveform generator digital oscillograph medicine equipment генератор сигналов произвольной формы медицинское оборудование цифровой осциллограф
A.Andreev, I.Kompanetz
Liquid Crystals Displays. Development Prospects PART I Requirements for new generation liquid crystals materials and displays are considered and limitations of current nematic liquid crystals (NLC) described. Speed capability of smectic liquid crystals (SLC) with ferroelectric properties is given. Potential unique characteristics and SLC displays application are studied.
Liquid Crystals Displays. Development Prospects PART I Requirements for new generation liquid crystals materials and displays are considered and limitations of current nematic liquid crystals (NLC) described. Speed capability of smectic liquid crystals (SLC) with ferroelectric properties is given. Potential unique characteristics and SLC displays application are studied.
Tags: 3d display 3d screen 3d-дисплей electrooptical response microdisplay slc микродисплей объемный экран сжк электрооптический отклик
O.Kostina, V.Beletskyi
Futaba OLED Displays – Flexible and Transparent OLED displays (Organic Light-Emitting Diodes) emerged at the information display market not long ago. Nevertheless they are found in auto industry, measurement equipment, consumer systems and many other systems. This article considers OLED diplays from one of their leading suppliers – Futaba.
Futaba OLED Displays – Flexible and Transparent OLED displays (Organic Light-Emitting Diodes) emerged at the information display market not long ago. Nevertheless they are found in auto industry, measurement equipment, consumer systems and many other systems. This article considers OLED diplays from one of their leading suppliers – Futaba.
Tags: oled displays oled-дисплеи
Display Week at the Society for Information Displays (SID). Celebrating 50 Years! Author’s impressions of his visit to SID’s display weekю
Display Week at the Society for Information Displays (SID). Celebrating 50 Years! Author’s impressions of his visit to SID’s display weekю
Evolution of Display Systems Characteristics. Mission Control Centre Methods Main objective of spacecraft mission Information and reference provision systems is various data arrays necessary for making decisions organization for all specialists that take part in spacecraft control. A critical part plays the information display system efficiency that is estimated by a criteria set that numerically determine system degree of conformity to its objectives. The article considers display systems characteristics numerical estimation methods that where developed by Mission Control Centre to provide relevant information.
Evolution of Display Systems Characteristics. Mission Control Centre Methods Main objective of spacecraft mission Information and reference provision systems is various data arrays necessary for making decisions organization for all specialists that take part in spacecraft control. A critical part plays the information display system efficiency that is estimated by a criteria set that numerically determine system degree of conformity to its objectives. The article considers display systems characteristics numerical estimation methods that where developed by Mission Control Centre to provide relevant information.
Tags: data estimation methods main relevance criteria методы оценки данных основные критерии релевантности
Circuit Technique & System Development
VCO or YIG? Selection Problem in the Process of Developing High Quality Synthesizer with PLL The key element of each frequency synthesizer with PLL is a VCO or a YIG generator. Achievement in designs on the VCO basis comparable with YIG generators phase noise levels is not a trivial task and to solve it you must have new structures and up-to date technologies, as well as skill to overcome various “secondary” difficulties.
VCO or YIG? Selection Problem in the Process of Developing High Quality Synthesizer with PLL The key element of each frequency synthesizer with PLL is a VCO or a YIG generator. Achievement in designs on the VCO basis comparable with YIG generators phase noise levels is not a trivial task and to solve it you must have new structures and up-to date technologies, as well as skill to overcome various “secondary” difficulties.
Tags: oscillators pll генераторы фапч
LEDs Light Technology
LEDs bright Future. Exhibition and Conference Lightfair International. At the international exhibition and conference Lightfair International 2012 (LFI) devoted to this year innovations in lighting technologies there were generally introduced LED modules and lamps. Will the lighting industry continues to squash LEDs into existing lightings constructions or their unordinary characteristics will inspire new more smart devices? This article conceders exhibition and conference answers to these questions.
LEDs bright Future. Exhibition and Conference Lightfair International. At the international exhibition and conference Lightfair International 2012 (LFI) devoted to this year innovations in lighting technologies there were generally introduced LED modules and lamps. Will the lighting industry continues to squash LEDs into existing lightings constructions or their unordinary characteristics will inspire new more smart devices? This article conceders exhibition and conference answers to these questions.
Tags: led retrofits new trends program tempo новые тенденции программа tempo сд для замены ламп накаливания
Organic LEDs. New Materials, New Technologies In spite of OLED technology evident success there are still many unsolved problems that more or less disrupt its fast and wide range commercialization. Today companies and research centers are extensively searching for more stable and more cheaper organic materials, are solving the problem of long-life performance or the neccessary brightness durability of organic materials used in displays, TV screens, lightning and solar cells.
Organic LEDs. New Materials, New Technologies In spite of OLED technology evident success there are still many unsolved problems that more or less disrupt its fast and wide range commercialization. Today companies and research centers are extensively searching for more stable and more cheaper organic materials, are solving the problem of long-life performance or the neccessary brightness durability of organic materials used in displays, TV screens, lightning and solar cells.
Tags: nanotechnology spin oled tb metallorganic compound металлоорганический комплекс тербия нанотехнология спин-oled
Paul Chuprina
Maxim’s LEDs Drivers on the Russian Market Today Maxim produces 28 LEDs driver types and raps the whole liner and pulse converters spectrum: buck converters, booster converters, SEPICs and others.
Maxim’s LEDs Drivers on the Russian Market Today Maxim produces 28 LEDs driver types and raps the whole liner and pulse converters spectrum: buck converters, booster converters, SEPICs and others.